Many blogs pertain to a person's personal experiences in life. They are a great way to display your thoughts and feelings about a recent event or lesson learned in life. These travel blogs are also titled Travel Journals, Travelogues, and Travel Diaries.
My first experience with blogging was when I studied abroad in Europe for a semester and found that blogging, over email, allowed us to tell friends and family back home what we were up to in a quick and fun way. Our Europe Term's blog was: www.xanga.com/bethelu
This past summer I traveled to Peru on my own, with quite a smaller group of people. I wish that I would have had more internet access, because I think that blogging would have been a great way to keep friends updated on my trip back home, since we ran into many complications along the way pertaining to both sicknesses and governmental complications to name a few. With many great stories of our experiences in traveling and seeing God's glory time and time again I would have been able to quickly jot them down online rather than try to remember them when I was home and just had quick 5minute catch-ups with people about my trip. Friends of Peru

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