Blog comes from the words Web log and they squished it all together to form the word blog. The word blog was was coined by Peter Merholz in 1997 but the idea of blogs have been around a lot longer than that. The type of blogging that we are working with was developed from the online diary which was where people would keep track of their daily lives.
There are many blogging websites. The largest right now is Technorati. As of May 2007 it had more than 71 million blogs that it was tracking. Google, Yahoo and other search engines also have there own way for searching for blogs.
There are blogs about everything under the sun from entertainment, music, sports, art or television. People use blogs to learn whats new in the news, to keep in touch with friends across the country or to talk about their favorite band. Some blogs are about absolutely ridiculous topics like the hokey poky or monkeys or stupid things that people do to get attention. Others about really deep topics. You can find a blog to talk about anything that you want to talk about and if there is not one that suites your fancy you can always create your own.

This is a picture of my pastor Phil
click on his picture to go to his blog
click on his picture to go to his blog
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