Blogs (shorthand for web log) really have only come into being within the last decade. Online journals and diaries were a sort of early form of the blog, but did not have the popularity that blogs do today. It has really been within the last six years that blogs have exploaded in popularity, becoming another componant to the mass media.
A typical blog focuses one general topic (politics, homemaking, cars, etc.) or serves as an online journal. Witin a blog, things such as pictures, video clips, and weblinks can be added. In addition, there are entire search engines dedicated to searching for specific blogs.
One of the reasons that blogs are so popular is that they are an uncensored form of media: a blogger is free to publish his own opinions and views on things without any regulations. This aspect of the blog has especially opened up a whole new realm for the politically opinionated. This freedom has had a downside: there have been numerous cases of employees being fired over inapropriate information conveyed via their blog, as well as bloggers getting in political trouble after writing apparently slanderous or offensive material.
One of the blogs that I found interesting was designersblock.blogspot, a blog concerned with photography. I also added in one of my favorite clips from The Office.
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