Although I have never personally blogged myself, I have viewed numerous blog sites throughout the past few years. There are blogs available on pretty much any topic you could think of and probably more. Some of the most commonly used sites are those on politics, religion, health, music, sports among others. Nearly everyone familiar with the modern society has probably at least heard for blogs by now, but up until the last eight years or so they had nowhere near the popularity they have now. Blogs had a fairly slow start, but the use of them began to grow at a fairly rapid pace around 1999 (Wikipedia).
It is fascinating how it is so easy now to just click on a site and see thoughts from people all over the world. Some talk about very serious issues and can use blogs as a tool to
learn. Others may use blogs to talk about themselves. With no surprise, however, there are many blogs having to do with humor. They may display funny jokes, stories, random facts or just about anything.

Here is a website link to a blog that had a number of funny and interesting video clips. http://www.c00lstuff.com/
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