In res
earching blog sites on the web, there are many people that post blogs about the places that they have been in the travel blog. There are millions of ways that one can blog about places where they have been by doing journals about a certain day, putting pictures up, and also telling other people the restaurants or night spots or favorite places that they have been in that certain city. let's say if you were planning a trip to paris you could look up different places in france that people have been and what the highlights are. I think it is pretty cool that people blog about their experiences and what they have gone through. I have found that you can look up any place in the world and somewhere on some website someone has blogged about it. I think that more often people should put up pictures of the places that they have been to, this would help me understand where they have been because by having pictures it is easier to picture the place in my mind. Since blogging about trips and vactions online is so popular, there are so many different sites to blog on such as blog on

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