Monday, September 24, 2007
Device blogging
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
What's the Point?
So, what am I gonna do with my blog?'s not like I have a business to promote so I might as well use it as a form of "self expression" or whatever.
This is a ridiculous video from youtube that brings me great joy. =)
London Tube
remember to mind the gap...
I found this blog in search for London, since I will be traveling to England in January. This blog is titled the "London Underground" tube blog. Basically, Annie Mole, the writer of this blog, posts new information about experiences and events that happen on the tube in London everyday. There are many funny stories that she shares along with a few serious events such as a person falling onto the tracks and being rescued by volunteers. Annie also blogs about things such as underground London fashion victims and posts pictures of such people. I think that the purpose of this blog is simply to share the pleasures of riding the very interesting tube in London. The writer must ride often, considering she posts something new with a picture almost everyday.

daniELLE's post!

Blogs are used for many reasons. I found a lot of personal blogs are being used just to inform people on their lives. A blog I found very interesting was The Celebrity Blog. I am addicted to the "celebrity gossip", I could read those gossip magazines daily, as a matter of fact I sometimes do! But when I came across blogs that share pretty much the same information as magazines such as, In Touch or Life & Style. This is a cheaper way of reading what's going on in the "celebrity world". Check out the latest gossip!
More Than A Memory
Blogging Background
What has recently caught my interest (just because I can't help it and I'm a writing nerd) is the way blogs are being used for what is known as "citizen journalism" or "grassroots journalism." Ordinary people who have a passion for current events and a plethora of opinions have taken on roles as journalists and begun reporting various angles on various stories. has created a list of what they call "citizen media efforts." Although citizen journalists cannot necessarily report news without copying from sources (simply because most people don't have their own inside reporters overseas or Associated Press connections), they can still publish their opinions about the news, and they're using the popularity of blogging to accomplish what they need and want.
If you're interested in citizen journalism, check out SourceWatch for information. Or check out the ever-reliable Wikipedia definition.
An interesting YouTube video on citizen journalism:
Mainstay CD Release.

On 9.25.07 there is a concert at Club Three Degrees in Minneapolis, MN. It is probably the best concert of the century (ok, so its a slight exaggeration). The band Mainstay is playing their CD release show. They are releasing their sophomore album "Become Who You Are." It is going to be a great time for everyone, young and old, so everyone should come. The show starts at 7:00pm. Tickets are $12 with a CD and $7 without.
Click here to visit their myspace and get more information on tour dates and
To preview some songs from the upcoming CD click here.
Below is a video of the guys having fun at a farm in Texas.

Brad Fitzpatrick, an early blogger
The modern blog evolved from the online diary, where people
My favorite tv show...
I first learned about blogs because my cousin is really big into them. She's been blogging for a couple years now. She first started when she went on a Mission's trip to China and it was a way for us to communicate with her and keep updated on the events and activities she was doing while away. Her blog was really the only blog I was familiar with prior to searching around on the internet for blogs related to my favorite things.
After looking at a couple of different blogs, I would have to say my favorites dealt with fashion, New York City, Broadway, television, and movies. I really enjoyed reading the blogs relating to my favorite television shows, for example So You Think You Can Dance.

Travel Blogs

Many blogs pertain to a person's personal experiences in life. They are a great way to display your thoughts and feelings about a recent event or lesson learned in life. These travel blogs are also titled Travel Journals, Travelogues, and Travel Diaries.
My first experience with blogging was when I studied abroad in Europe for a semester and found that blogging, over email, allowed us to tell friends and family back home what we were up to in a quick and fun way. Our Europe Term's blog was:
This past summer I traveled to Peru on my own, with quite a smaller group of people. I wish that I would have had more internet access, because I think that blogging would have been a great way to keep friends updated on my trip back home, since we ran into many complications along the way pertaining to both sicknesses and governmental complications to name a few. With many great stories of our experiences in traveling and seeing God's glory time and time again I would have been able to quickly jot them down online rather than try to remember them when I was home and just had quick 5minute catch-ups with people about my trip. Friends of Peru

The Latest Technology

Today was the first time I have ever blogged. I think this is really weird. So I found a blog about the new iPod jeans: Levi's RedWire DXL iPod Jeans. The iPod's are removable for washing. This is good. So they cost about $200. They are very popular in the UK, but they have not caught on in the US yet. It is supposed to be catchy because the newest iPod has two new features. One is a navigation system. The other is electronic earbuds that clip onto the pants.
I also found a blog about the new technology called Sync. This is a voice activated communication and entertainment system that can be installed into cars. You can use it to call people, listen to music on your iPod, and many other things.
One can pretty much blog on anything they desire.
- There are various types of blogs, and the way the content is delivered differs.
- Genre:
- Media:
- By device:
- Blogs can also be defined by which type of device was used to compose it. A blog written by a mobile device such as a cellular telephone or PDA is called a moblog.
- Private:
- A blog can also be private, with a business purpose. These are either used to help the communication of a corporation or externally for marketing.
"I always knew the Internet was very powerful, just not to this extent," Chiang, who lives in suburban Washington, D.C., said in a telephone interview.
Travel Blogs!

The consequences blogging...

What the Kids are Blogging about these days...

This might be my favorite blog on the web. It's run by a former roommate of mine, along with some of his friends. It's a perfect example of the wide range of things people will make blogs about. They call it the "Blog of the Dead." It's about--that's right--zombies, and possible zombie survival techniques (it's kind of an extreme example of the "Be Prepared" motto of the Boy Scouts).
These guys take their stuff seriously, and that's why I love reading this blog. You get a sense that they really know what they're talking about, while being aware the whole time of the absurdity of the subject matter.
I'm sure there are stranger blogs out there, but this one is so well put together and tongue-in-cheek that I think it's the one most worth checking out.
Random blog ramblings

According to marketer Baron Lowery, "Group blogs tend to have a theme and provide insight into community perspective of a product." So, our little group blog will allow us to "provide insight into community perspective of a product" or in our case perspective of blogs.
Blogs are easily accessable and a wide variety of blogs exist. My favorite feature of blogging is uploading videos, I just think that's swell.
Blog Extravaganza
Star Wars
Movie Blog
Some sites like Blog Catalog make it easy by providing users a "blog search engine."
Blogs display information in unique ways, such as photos, videos and stories. The thing you get with movie blogs that you don't with regular websites is unofficial information (rumors / spoilers) and a fan's perspective. The writing is more informal and often a compilation of many different sources. Just to prove I can, I'll add a photo to this post.

Click on the photo for a surprise!
my first blog ever! :)

-If material exists online, link to it when you reference it.
-Publicly correct any misinformation.
-Write each entry as if it could not be changed; add to, but do not rewrite or delete, any entry.
-Disclose any conflict of interest.
-Note questionable and biased sources.
Muse Blog

Below is Muse performing my favorite song of theirs- Starlight.
Dance Blogs
Dancing for the Lord
This link takes you to a Christian-lyrical-dance blog. I came across this blog and it was pretty cool to see that more people like to dance or the Lord.
Today as i looked at this blog about worship dance, i saw dances from different countries which was very powerful.
The youtube videos below is of Bethel University's own chapel dance team.
Blog History

All about blogs
Blog comes from the words Web log and they squished it all together to form the word blog. The word blog was was coined by Peter Merholz in 1997 but the idea of blogs have been around a lot longer than that. The type of blogging that we are working with was developed from the online diary which was where people would keep track of their daily lives.
There are many blogging websites. The largest right now is Technorati. As of May 2007 it had more than 71 million blogs that it was tracking. Google, Yahoo and other search engines also have there own way for searching for blogs.
There are blogs about everything under the sun from entertainment, music, sports, art or television. People use blogs to learn whats new in the news, to keep in touch with friends across the country or to talk about their favorite band. Some blogs are about absolutely ridiculous topics like the hokey poky or monkeys or stupid things that people do to get attention. Others about really deep topics. You can find a blog to talk about anything that you want to talk about and if there is not one that suites your fancy you can always create your own.

click on his picture to go to his blog
First Blog Assignment.

This is my first blog and I really have no idea what I am doing, but here it goes.
Something that is a little creepy about blogging are the amount of stalkers you can get from it. When reading through wikipedia I saw there was a "Consequences" section. People are literally attacked or stalked because of the information that they put in their blogs. There are some weird people in this world.
Click here to find out where I got my information.
Go Here to listen to some amazing music by Mainstay and get ready for their CD release show 9.25.07.

Good to know.
Here is my new favorite blog. It was made by someone who stole my identity/has the same name as me. Cool. Mostly because who else with the same name as me actually spells it the same as I do? No one. Ok, I lied, Technorati told me 740.
Anyway, in honor of this dreary day, I thought I would share this video with you all. It makes me laugh every time.
An Intro to the Blogging World

Why Blog?
I think the best use for blogs is for keeping people connected who are separated by distance. You can share your photos, ideas, and stories. It is the pen pals dream.
Using blogs for factual information becomes a problem as there are no limitations as to what people can post.

Do you speak blog?

Do you know how to speak blog? There is a whole new language related to blogging.
It seems as though that like AIM and cell phone texting, bloggers have a way of speaking, complete with a dictionary for newcomers on wikipedia. Let's explore some unusual terms that I came across...
Biblioblogosphere - a humorous reference to the world of librarian blogging. (
celeblog - similar to a tabloid, written about celebrities
momosphere - refers to blogs written by and for mothers
Next, there are different types of blogs, including photo blogs, video blogs, political blogs, law blogs, catblogs, (see above photo, which includes the original catblogger, kevin drum, and his feline friend) and audio blogs.
Popular websites for blogging include xanga and myspace.
The 'blaudience' can include close friends, such as in a diary type of blog; to other bloggers that include conversation only taking place online.
The 'blogger' is the author of a blog, sometimes inviting others to respond to a post. A post is the content the author has published on his/her blog.
Let's go back to something that caught my eye...

Favorite Blog

My favorite blog that I often check a few times a week is located here. This blog keeps me updated with what is happening all around the world. The blog is run by the national radio host Dennis Prager. He is a conservative talk show host that talks about everything in life, including a happiness hour and an ultimate issue about God once a week. He is on the air from 11-2 on am1280. I highly recommend checking out his radio show. Below is a video of him on Fox News.
Search Engines for Blogging
Welcome to Blogger!
This Blog is being set up as a team blog. Together, we are going to inductively explore what blogs are/what blogs can do.
Let's get started, okay?